
Adobe Has Lukewarm Response to Creative Cloud Subscription Only, Profits Rise Regardless

Last month, Adobe made the decision to make their new Creative Suite subscription only. While initial response was good, those who were simply paying for the program upfront are less […]

Easy, Affordable Ways to Show Customers They Matter

A big-business budget isn’t necessary to make your customers feel good about being your clients, and making them feel this way is absolutely necessary. Not only is making your customers […]

New 3D Printer Section on Amazon Begins to Grow

You know when Amazon does it, it means big things – and Amazon has just debuted a 3D printer section that provides supplies for 3D printing. Currently, Amazon only sells […]

Google Offers Larger Sum of Money for Reporting Significant Bugs

Google has always offered cash to those who report vulnerabilities and bugs that could result in an exploitation of a Google product, but as the reports began to trickle in, […]

Facebook Attempts to Change Ad Unit, Ends Ability to Sponsor Results

Less than a year after sponsored results were introduced on Facebook, the company has decided to remove them. Starting in July, advertisers – small businesses and big businesses alike – […]

A Few Things to Know About iWork in the Cloud

Apple just introduced a brand new product on Monday called iWork, a browser-based version of its popular productivity suite. Unlike its desktop version, this cloud-based product works on Macs and […]

Building Your Pinterest Audience a Step at a Time

You may think that you shouldn’t be on Pinterest because you’re a technology company. After all, isn’t Pinterest for people who are creative, and make interesting things out of paper […]

Facebook Bug Exposes Private Contact Information of Over Six Million Users

Facebook had a hiccup – and it cost 6 million of its users some their private information. The contact information exposed shared information with other members on Facebook, the social […]

Encouraging Your Employees to Think Big

One of the best things about owning your own business is being able to find new and exciting ways to make some extra money. Not only can it be fun […]

What is Important on Facebook Other Than Engagement?

Facebook engagement is important, no doubt. Just having a Facebook is simply not good enough in today’s world. Fans want to be entertained, appreciated, and interested by your company’s statuses […]


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